Ecofin Team (Redwheel)

Ecofin Team (Redwheel)

Head office:

London, United Kingdom

Assets managed:

$25.5 billion (as of December 31, 2024)

Head office:

London, United Kingdom

Assets managed:

$25.5 billion (as of December 31, 2024)

Company profile

RWC Asset Management LLP (Redwheel) is a sustainable investment firm with roots dating back to the 1990s, with offices in the U.S. and U.K. Redwheel is driven by the idea that sustainable investment can deliver strong risk-adjusted returns while making a true impact on the environment and society.

Investment approach

At Redwheel, the Ecofin team’s investment strategy is based on the principle that the world is now in the middle of a groundbreaking, long-term thematic shift toward increased sustainability, a shift that is poised to reshape markets, economies, and all other facets of human activity.

Funds managed

Lead managers

Matthew Breidert

Senior Portfolio Manager and Managing Director

Matthew joined the Ecofin team at Redwheel in 2006, and as Senior Portfolio Manager oversees sustainable, impact, and ESG strategies, both long only and long/short.

Michel Sznajer, CFA

Portfolio Manager and Director

Michel joined the Ecofin team at Redwheel in 2016 and serves as a Portfolio Manager focused on sustainable products.

Ecofin Advisors, LLC was acquired by RWC Management LLP on October 1, 2024, and effective on this date, RWC Asset Management LLP is the acting sub-advisor of the NEI Clean Infrastructure Fund. Redwheel® and Ecofin® are registered trademarks of RWC Partners Limited ("Redwheel").  The term "Redwheel" may include any one or more Redwheel branded regulated entities including, RWC Asset Management LLP which is authorised and regulated by the UK Financial Conduct Authority and the US Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC"); RWC Asset Advisors (US) LLC, which is registered with the SEC.


Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with mutual fund investments. Please read the prospectus and/or Fund Facts before investing. Mutual funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated.