There are five activities we undertake as part of our responsible investment program that have a direct connection to our funds: exclusionary screening, ESG evaluation, impact investing, thematic investing, and stewardship. For a more in-depth look at these activities and other aspects of our program, such as policy work and statements of commitment, check out our Responsible Investment Policy. To find out which approaches are applied to which funds, speak with your advisor or consult our fund prospectus.

Sustainable Intelligence powered by NEI
Throughout our 35-year history, we’ve helped companies become better investments by drawing attention to their environmental, social and governance risks and making sure they were addressed. And we’ve helped those same companies understand the role they can play in helping solve the systemic social and environmental challenges we face today.
NEI’s commitment to delivering positive impact and enabling our investors to do more with their money has led us to steadily advance our ESG program, perfecting, and in some cases literally inventing the responsible investment approaches others use today. The sum of that commitment, the ESG knowledge we’ve acquired over three decades, our pioneering innovations, thousands of ESG-focused conversations with companies, hundreds of thousands of proxy votes cast, our policy work with governments and regulators—all that cumulative experience and expertise—is what we call Sustainable Intelligence™.