There are five activities we undertake as part of our responsible investment program that have a direct connection to our funds: exclusionary screening, ESG evaluation, impact investing, thematic investing, and stewardship. For a more in-depth look at these activities and other aspects of our program, such as policy work and statements of commitment, check out our Responsible Investment Policy. To find out which approaches are applied to which funds, speak with your advisor or consult our fund prospectus.

Forge a path to balanced growth
Balanced funds include a mix of equity and fixed income investments. The purpose of a balanced mutual fund is to provide the growth potential of stocks and the lower volatility of bonds in one diversified solution.
NEI’s balanced funds offer:
- A combination of growth and income
- The potential for a smoother investment journey thanks to the power of diversification
- Ease of choice—get your equity and fixed income investments in a single fund
- Responsible investment strategies that can mitigate risk and potentially improve returns
- The opportunity to influence companies and make a positive impact on society and the environment