Impax Asset Management

Head office:

London, U.K.

Assets managed:

65.6 billion (as of December 31, 2023)

Head office:

London, U.K.

Assets managed:

65.6 billion (as of December 31, 2023)

Company profile

Impax Asset Management is a specialist asset manager in equity, fixed income, and infrastructure strategies. Founded in 1998, with headquarters in London and offices in the U.S. and Hong Kong, Impax invests in the opportunities arising from the transition to a more sustainable global economy.

Investment approach

Global equities

Impax employs a Growth at a Reasonable Price (GARP) bottom-up stock selection process. It begins with a proprietary resource optimization screen of the sustainable global investment universe. Quantitative financial metrics scoring, qualitative business assessment and an integrated ESG process are all utilized to uncover global stocks with long-term intrinsic value.

Funds managed

Lead managers – NEI Environmental Leaders Fund

Sid Jha, CFA

Co-Portfolio Manager

Sid is Co-Portfolio Manager of the NEI Environmental Leaders Fund, and a member of the Portfolio Construction teams for Impax’s Global Opportunities, Leaders and Water strategies. His research responsibilities center on the water value chain and the Industrials, Utility and Healthcare sectors with a bias towards North American companies.

Hubert Aarts

Co-Portfolio Manager

Mr. Hubert Aarts is a Co-Portfolio Manager for the NEI Environmental Leaders Fund and is a Senior Portfolio Manager, Managing Director overseeing Impax's Leaders and Water Strategies. Mr. Aarts serves as Co-Portfolio Manager for Impax's Leaders and Water Strategies and also leads Impax's macro-economic research process. He joined Impax in January 2007 and started his career in the investment indus

David Winborne

Co-Portfolio Manager

David joined Impax in September 2015 as a Senior Portfolio Manager on the listed equity team, and his responsibilities include co-management of the Impax Leaders and Global Opportunities strategies and the NEI Environmental Leaders Fund.

Lead managers – NEI Global Sustainable Balanced Fund

Anthony Trzcinka, CFA

SVP, Portfolio Manager, Impax Asset Management LLC Senior Vice President, Pax World Funds

Anthony Trzcinka is SVP and Portfolio Manager of the Pax Core Bond Fund at Impax Asset Management LLC and a Senior Vice President at Pax World Funds. Tony is also a member of the portfolio management team of the Pax Sustainable Allocation Fund.

Peter Schwab, CFA

SVP, Portfolio Manager, Impax Asset Management LLC Senior Vice President, Pax World Funds

Peter Schwab is SVP and Portfolio Manager of the Pax High Yield Bond Fund at Impax Asset Management LLC and a Senior Vice President at Pax World Funds. Peter is also a member of the portfolio management team of the Pax Sustainable Allocation Fund.

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