There are five activities we undertake as part of our responsible investment program that have a direct connection to our funds: exclusionary screening, ESG evaluation, impact investing, thematic investing, and stewardship. For a more in-depth look at these activities and other aspects of our program, such as policy work and statements of commitment, check out our Responsible Investment Policy. To find out which approaches are applied to which funds, speak with your advisor or consult our fund prospectus.

Providing income and capital preservation
Fixed income funds invest primarily in bonds. The purpose of a fixed income mutual fund is to provide income and potentially to preserve capital. In a diversified portfolio, fixed income funds can help smooth out the ups-and-downs of equity funds.
NEI’s fixed income funds offer:
- A time-tested way to reduce the overall risk of a diversified portfolio
- The opportunity for steady income
- A potential defense against falling equity markets
- Responsible investment strategies that can mitigate risk and potentially improve returns
- The opportunity to influence companies and make a positive impact on society and the environment