Modern bullet train speeding along the tracks.

Renewable energy: the next-gen opportunity

The global transition toward cleaner sources of energy is good news for the planet and for investors. NEI Clean Infrastructure Fund is poised to take advantage of the multi-trillion dollar opportunity in the shift to renewable energy.

NEI Clean Infrastructure Fund is sub-advised by Ecofin Advisors Limited, a sustainable investment specialist. Ecofin is driven by the idea that sustainable investments can deliver strong risk-adjusted returns while making a positive impact on the environment and society.

Modern bullet train speeding along the tracks.
Aerial view of multi-story apartment building with green roof.

Why invest in NEI Clean Infrastructure Fund?

By investing in companies that own or operate next-generation infrastructure, the fund offers investors exposure to the worldwide shift to renewable power sources.

  • A concentrated portfolio of 20–40 next-generation, sustainable infrastructure companies
  • Low-beta infrastructure strategy combined with growth potential 
  • Excludes investment in companies whose primary activity involves the extraction and production of fossil fuel or the owning of fossil-fuel reserves
  • The fund’s carbon emissions are measured and reported, so investors can see the positive impact their money is making 
Aerial view of multi-story apartment building with green roof.

Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with mutual fund investments. Please read the prospectus and/or Fund Facts before investing. Mutual funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated.